Claire McKeown

Claire is the Project Director for V&A East. She leads the development of the V&A’s expansion to Stratford over two sites, a museum which is part of East Bank cultural quarter and a Collection Centre, part of HereEast in Hackney Wick.

Over the past decade, Claire has worked client-side with universities, cultural institutions and local authorities to prepare feasibility studies, develop architectural briefs and commission design teams.

After qualifying as an architect, she developed her expertise through championing design quality with over 20 local authorities in the Building Schools for the Future programme. Claire went on to lead competitions at Malcolm Reading Consultants where she produced feasibility studies and briefs for Royal Opera House, Evelina Children’s Hospital and private estates.

Claire set up Platform 5 Consultants where she prepared feasibility studies examining clients’ estates and helping them to explore ideas, working in the cultural and public sectors, her clients included the V&A, Science Museum Group and DCMS.

She co-authored the Successful School Design document for CABE and co-authored Action for High Streets’ for the GLA.

Claire is a Fulbright Scholar.